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Hocine Choutri started his acting career in 1989 with Salut Cousin directed by Algerian filmmaker Merzak Allouache. He went on to work on more than 30 films, with roles in a number of award winning films including Eloge d'Amour/In Praise of Love by Jean-Luc Godard, Les Cendres du Paradis/Ashes of Paradise by Dominique Crèvecoeur, Personne n'est Comme Tout Le Monde by Cédric Klapisch, Octobre 17, 1961 by Alain Tasma and Le Guetteur by Michele Placido.
Hocine Choutri started his acting career in 1989 with Salut Cousin directed by Algerian filmmaker Merzak Allouache. He went on to work on more than 30 films, with roles in a number of award winning films including Eloge d'Amour/In Praise of Love by Jean-Luc Godard, Les Cendres du Paradis/Ashes of Paradise by Dominique Crèvecoeur, Personne n'est Comme Tout Le Monde by Cédric Klapisch, Octobre 17, 1961 by Alain Tasma and Le Guetteur by Michele Placido.